Creating desire


Stuck in limbo suffering from post concussion syndrome I feel trapped by the limits of my own miss functioning brain. During this time it’s hard to avoid walking the path of fear which inevitably leads to doubt. My feet are too inclined to march downhill. As much as I want to take the road less travelled I’m tired and worn down by pain and despair.

What I have left is my imagination. I can push forward far enough into the future that I can see myself as well again. When I close my eyes to what is I can open my heart to what will be. This is my salvation but it is also my choice. I paint the future with my mind. The colours and brushes I choose define the path I will walk.

I paint joy, abundance and freedom. I paint laughter, travel and acceptance. In my imagination I am. All that I want to be.

33 thoughts on “Creating desire

  1. Oh Jo I am so sorry that you go through all this. Remember your immagination can take you everywhere you wish, and as long you are able to do that and keep your mind away from negative thoughts things can turn, our brain has umbelievable powers our body were created to heal himself, don’t discourage, be strong and please believe in yourself you will be ok and great again, add positive thoughts everyday. Creativity will help greately! Never loose the love for yourself…make a goal write a beautiful positive story just make a project add 3 lines at day and see how it goes….email me if you would like I am here much love sent to you ❤ 🙂

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  2. Your mental blocks and self-doubts ate not very different from what I felt when I started blogging; the feeling quite often after completing each post was what would be my next subject, and the fear of running out of ideas. The way ahead as I figured out was to stay continually updated on the happenings around for an endless stream of ideas and concepts serving as grist for the creative mill. So just keep going, Jo…

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